Copper Love
Copper was Senior
of Tellington-TTouch
for many
in Europe,
and the
“Copper, in my mind,
is just one of the most inspiring,
skillful and supportive teachers
I have the privilege of knowing
and working with and if anyone
the opportunity to work with her,
that is good fortune, indeed. It’s
not just her caring, it’s
the skill and the depth
of compassion in her work with
only animals, but with people
that makes her so unique.” Linda
what some top professionals (Linda
Tellington-Jones, Kinky Friedman,
Suzanne Clothier, and others) have
to say about Copper's work:
Dover riding Romantico
in the 1986 Olympic Games
really appreciated
Copper working on Romantico
at competitions, helping
him recover between
classes and keeping
him fresh and eager
to go again. Grand
Prix and Freestyle
demand the utmost brilliance
from a horse. Her work
helped him achieve
that level of performance.
Copper has the extraordinary
ability to listen to
horses, letting them
tell her what they
need. Another example
of Copper's intuitive
ability with horses:
At the World Championships
in Canada, I lost a
treasured ring in Romantico's
stall, bedded three
feet deep in shavings.
Copper 'listened' to
Romantico, and let
him show her where
it was. Talk about
Reeder, Manager
of American Romance
Ltd, Owner of Romantico

Copper working with
Romantico at Dr. Beckett's
veterinarian clinic
demonstrations of her
gentle and caring techniques
opened my eyes to how
much skilled human
touch can benefit animals,
and her successes continue
to expand that understanding."
Beckett DVM Austin,

Kinky Friedman
has been a miracle worker here at Utopia
Animal Rescue Ranch. Her touch is a
tonic to almost any animal. She is a
healer through touch and spirit."
Musician and candidate for Governor
of the Great State of Texas 2010

Adams, Cheyenne Rodeo
rode and trained horses for 35 years.
I've attended hundreds of clinics
studying with the top horsemen of
our time. But Copper is a woman with
a magic touch and has an understanding
and connection with horses like no
other. I've worked with her on several
occasions spanning 10 years and I'm
always amazed at how she handles herself
with all kinds of horses. When she
puts her hands on them they begin
to settle and focus right away. She
darn sure knows her way around a horse."
Adams: Texas
A&M graduate;
College National
finals Rodeo Team;
Professional Horse
Trainer; PRCA
Bull Rider Top 30;
PBR and ABBI Judge

brings new dimensions to the horse/human
relationship. With respect, empathy
and grace, she joins the horse in a
mutual dance of growing, understanding
and cooperation while seeking the best
possible balance for that horse in that
moment. Copper is a gift you can give
any horse you care about."
dog trainer, lecturer and award-winning
Would Rain From the
Show Jumpers

working with Russian National
Jumpers and Dressage Team
USSR Bitsa Sports Center,
has also had the pleasure of
working with Anne Kursinski
Silver Medalist U.S.A. Olympic Jumping Team

Santa Anita, Fast Parade
on the lead against multiple
Grade 1 winner After Market.
Before the year was out,
Fast Parade would set a
new track record at Del
Mar and win the $500,000
Grade 2 Nearctic Stakes
at Woodbine.
Parade was just a phenomenal three-year-old
prospect, with all the speed in
the world and smart enough to learn
to rate. Copper was just what he
needed, and I can't help but wonder
what he might have gone on to achieve
if she'd stayed with him after
he changed owners."
John Loftus,
award-winning turf writer and
biographer of Fast Parade

Copper calming Fast Parade in Keeneland's paddock
before the 2006 Lexington Stakes which is the
final prep for the Kentucky Derby. Famed broadcaster
Tom Hammond conducts an interview in the background.
I first heard my owner
was sending a top TTouch
Instructor to work with
our race horses I could
not have been more skeptical.
Not being familiar with
this kind of work I rather
thought it would be a waste
of money but still vowed
to have an open mind. I'm
happy to say I was so wrong.
The lessons Copper Love
taught me were incredible.
The soft and calming touches
were just what these hyped
up, stressed out racehorses
needed. It targeted their
sore spots while teaching
them to trust that we would
help them. In particular
it really helped the 'star'
of the stable, an enormously
talented 2006 Kentucky
Derby candidate named Fast
Parade. He benefited from
Copper's work the most
as he NEEDED it the most.
His demeanor changed dramatically
from a tooth grinding,
nervous eating, speed crazy
horse to a calm, confident,
relaxed runner. And what
athlete doesn't do better
calm and confident? Copper
was a joy to be around
and the horses sensed that
(Ginny) Padgett, TB
Trainer Louisville, Ky.

Sample first across
the finish line
of the Tom Quilty
Gold Cup Endurance
Ride, Australia
the time Copper
worked with our
horses, we had
more than thirty
in work and competition.
The Sharahd endurance
horses were considered
amongst the best
in Australia.
Copper's skill
produced more
relaxed and better
moving horses.
Many low level
lameness and
problems were
overcome. I am
also very aware
of the benefit
of Copper's work
with horses owned
by others."
Sample, Queensland,
with Endurance
Sample won
the Tom Quilty
Gold Cup in
1993; has been
the National
Champion Heavy
Weight Rider
six times,
and has earned
15 Quilty buckles.
His son Brook
Sample has
won the Tom
Quilty Gold
Cup three times,
and has represented
Australia World
rides three
working with Brook
Sample's horse in Holland
for the World Equestrian
Games, 1994

Cat Friske
riding barrel competition
on Revolver
Love is outstanding in
her use of and teaching
abilities in her techniques
that allows a horse to
find his way out of old
muscle memories holding
him from full potential.
In the many years of
knowing Copper, watching
her and seeing her open
up and release tension,
fear, and pain from the
horses and dogs in her
care is a totally amazing
and wonderful learning
(Cat) Friske, Professional
Horse Handling Instructor
and Barrel Racer

Copper working with
"Shiloh was a nervous
wreck. No one knows how
long he'd been that way---maybe
all his life. This tall,
handsome Thoroughbred had
his share of emotional
problems, yet under Copper
Love's skilled fingers,
an amazing change began
in Shiloh. He lost his
fear and began to change
the entire tone of his
body language as the manipulation
of his frazzled nerves
and knotted muscles took
Peggy Cole for DS Dispatch

Tellington-Jones and Copper
"Copper Love is
one of those rare Master
Teachers who will touch
your life with joy and
compassion and deepen
your understanding and appreciation of
yourself and others. She was an Instructor
of Tellington-TTouch Training for many
years in Europe, Australia, Russia and
all over the United States and her name
and the effects she had on her students
are legend."
Founder of Tellington-TTouch

Therapy horse, Germany
(Blessed with grace)
'Merlin', Shire draft-horse in driving
competition, Germany.
(He was so cool! A gentle giant)

Copper with Cotton
Club winning at Manor Downs, 1985.
(A wonderful mare. Big heart,
great intelligence.)
Owned by Julianna Hawn
"The thing
that I love about this method - Tellington-TTouch
- because of the bodywork, the ground
work and the work that we do under saddle
- is that it gives both the experienced
and the amateur horse person ways in
which they can come from the heart and
be successful. Instead of coming from
the place of dominance that we hear
so much about in the horse world, we
can learn to cooperate with horses -
and the horses are taught to cooperate
with us, so that they can enjoy working
with humans as much as humans enjoy
working with horses." Linda